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User:ElfWord/101 in 1001

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ElfWord's 101 Goals in the Next 1001 Days


1. Have made at least 5 shirts for myself.

2. Visit a college friend in a far-away city.

3. Travel to another country.

4. Visit New York City. Goals 2 and 4 cannot be both satisfied with one visit.

5. Take a photo everyday for a year.

6. Write in a journal everyday for a year. (If I absolutely cannot write in a journal, online or off, for a day, have a guest writer make an entry for me.)

7. Write a full play and have it produced.

8. Start and maintain a blog on a topic of interest, such as Instant Messaging.

9. Learn to breakdance.

10. Master three accents.

11. Master writing in Theban.

12. Have an article published in a magazine.

13. Order parts for a computer I assemble myself. Help from friends is allowed.

14. Donate blood at least 3 times.

15. Drink a cup of coffee made from beans I have roasted myself.

16. Collect a business card for every goal I complete.

17. Have at least $10,000 in my bank account by the time I complete this list.

18. Campaign for a political official.

19. Raise money for a charity.

20. Develop a website for at least 3 businesses.

21. Watch a sunset and sunrise without sleeping in between.

22. Compile a list of my 100 favourite songs.

23. Write 101 letters of any kind to anyone.

24. Be involved in the production of an independent film.

25. Buy a digital portable music player.

26. Eat at every restaurant in a city.

27. Get an ISSN.

28. Build a personal portfolio website of professional quality.

29. Create an add-on program for AIM.

30. Read a book a day for a month.

31. Write a song and have it recorded. Preferably with a music video.

32. Buy a new wallet.

33. Improve my breath control.

34. Get something posted on SlashDot, BoingBoing, and MetaFilter.

35. Write something(poem, short story, note) for each of my closest friends.

36. Vote in a local election.

37. Acquire 50 more roleplaying books than I currently have.

38. Sell a photo I have taken.

39. Attend three conferences/convention from the following list: a gaming convention, a sci-fi convention, a fantasy convention, a books convention, a web conference, a political conference, a technology conference, a journalism conference, a writing convention.

40. Go to a concert and buy a CD.

41. Take a girl on an honest-to-higher-power date.

42. People-watch at a busy location.

43. Thoroughly learn a method of divination. Tarot card reading, rune casting, palm reading, etc.

44. Improve my handwriting and/or learn to write legibly with my left hand.

45. Learn Flash. (and use it)

46. Become an expert on something historical, be it a time period, object, person, battle, piece of culture, etc.

47. Visit a library in every state and country I go to from this day forth.

48. Create a plan for retirement and start saving.

49. Meet five people I talk to online.

50. Get a six-pack. Muscles, not beer.

51. Complete 5 photography projects.

52. Either not be involved in a fight, or thoroughly kick ass if I must be involved.

53. Have a printed photo of myself with each friend I have.

54. Complete a certification process involving some type of technology.

55. Complete a list each year of things I would buy if I had $1,000,000.

56. Learn to play a song on a musical instrument I can’t yet play. Preferably piano, harmonica, or guitar.

57. Master one piece of Macromedia software, and one piece of Adobe software other than Photoshop.

58. Finish one of my old SWRPG d20 projects.

59. Attend a friend’s graduation.

60. Get several of my friends to also accomplish one of the goals on this list.

61. Achieve financial independence from my mother.

62. Cook a meal for at least two people including myself entirely out of 100% organic foods.

63. Do something crazy with my hair for a week.

64. Skinnydip at night.

65. Be able to quote at least 10 philosophers and/or playwrights from memory.

66. Start a stock portfolio.

67. Kiss in the rain.

68. Create and maintain an inventory of the books I own.

69. Write a children’s book for Astrid.

70. Learn to mix 5 specialty drinks.

71. Meet a blogger I read regularly. (Goals 71 and 49 cannot count toward each other.)

72. Go to a large competitive tournament of some kind.

73. Do some kind of Urban Exploration.

74. Write messages on my money for a month.

75. Read 5 classic novels, and also War & Peace.

76. Master CSS.

77. Start an organized archive of articles. Digital or physical. Rent storage if necessary.

78. Wear a tuxedo once more. Look damned good in it.

79. Attend a protest.

80. Buy five of the following: .org, .net, .nu, .tk, .name., .info., .biz, .us, .ms, and .ws .tv, and .cc domain names for my personal website.

81. Make 12 mix-CDs for myself and/or friends.

82. Come up with 5 ideas for a PhD thesis and start researching.

83. Have a romantic dinner and a movie. Emphasis on romantic.

84. Consistently recycle aluminum.

85. Spend a night on an island, one unreachable by car or foot.

86. Cook a meal for a friend every day for a week.

87. Always have a list of 10 books I don’t own and haven’t read but would like to.

88. Start and maintain a scrapbook.

89. Improve my knowledge of world history.

90. Spend 24 hours in a Waffle House.

91. Gamble at a casino.

92. Create an acting and/or directing and/or stage managing resume.

93. Consistently photograph graffiti and other kinds of street art.

94. One semester, learn the names of everyone in all of my classes.

95. Start using more complicated passwords for everything.

96. Improve my memory.

97. Learn two acting styles.

98. Join/Contribute to the ACLU, EFF, and AI.

99. Find more kinds of sushi I enjoy.

100. Get personalized stationary.

101. Start a new list immediately after all goals on this list are completed.