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Talk:Awareness Through Movement

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Feldenkrais often explained his work in scientific terms. Although he was formally trained as an engineer and physicist his independent study of neurology was such that he was offered half the credit toward a medical degree in England. Even though he anticpated some modern developments such as the concept of neuroplasticity, his explanations accorded with the neurology of his time. It is easy to be distracted by this, to confuse explanation with purpose, and to suppose that the validity of the practice depends on the current validity of the theory. Feldenkrais himself was very clear that he did not devise his lessons to demonstrate a priori theory. Ever the empiricist he never ceased to stress that subjective well- being was his real criterion. If I greet you by shaking your hand, I do not need training in neurology to know that what I do affects your brain. I do not intend to produce those effects, and since they are out of awareness I cannot know them directly. This is fine, because my intention is to greet you, not your brain, and to shake your hand, not your motor cortex. Likewise with Feldenkrais Lessons. From their results we may infer cerebral events to explain them, but their real purpose is in the realm of personal experience.

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