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User:Ravenswood/The Rules of Continuity

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The Rules of Continuity


If two episodes contradict each other, use these rules to resolve which one is canon:

zero) What's presented on-screen is generally taken to be more canonical than what appears in any other medium.

1) Whichever episode makes it a larger plot point wins canonicity. For example: The dates given in Mawdryn Undead contradict the year Sarah Jane claims to be from in Pyramids of Mars. Resolution: In Mawdryn Undead, the 1977 date is a major plot point. In Pyramids of Mars, the year 1980 was mentioned by Sarah Jane but had no impact on the plot whatsoever. Therefore, the dating in Mawdryn Undead is canonical.

2) Whichever episode is better is canonical. If rule #1 fails to establish canonicity, then go with what was established in the better of the two episodes.

Ω) The fans will always manage to come up with some sort of explanation to explain away the contradiction, no matter how convoluted.