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User:Alphax/List of fantasy names

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Here is a list of fantasy names.

Names with titles



  • Aart the Physician
  • Acennan the Swineherd
  • Adame the Ivory Sorceror
  • Adrik of Chernesk
  • Adrik the Bastard
  • Aiert of the Green Mind
  • Aitor of the Lightning Heart
  • Aitzol of the Burning Kingdom
  • Aki the Beaver
  • Albi the Evening Sorceror
  • Aldhelm the Torturer
  • Aldred the Farmer
  • Alf the Turtle
  • Alik the Nimble
  • Amundi the Deer
  • Andima of the Shadow Forest
  • Aner the Life Wizard
  • Antinko the Lame
  • Antinko the Rat
  • Ara of the Nine Eyes
  • Argoitz of the Purple Spirit
  • Argoitz of the Radiant Body
  • Arshavir of the Countless Fires
  • Arshavir of the Many Shadows
  • Arshavir of the Nine Shadows
  • Artaxiad of the Swarming Faces
  • Astigar of the Eternal Tower
  • Atseden of the Middle Spirit
  • Atseden of the Spectral Forest
  • Aurre of the Bleak Hills


  • Balesio of the Violent Mind
  • Bernat the Storm Wizard
  • Berooz of the Eight Evils
  • Bizi of the Frigid Castle
  • Bjarni the Bear
  • Bogdashka the Bull
  • Bogdashka the Pirate
  • Boris the Shark
  • Borya the Red
  • Borya the Wyrm
  • Botolf the Axe
  • Byrtwold the Millwright
  • Byrtwold the Peddler


  • Cheslav the Dragon
  • Cheslav the Grizzly
  • Cyrus of the Six Powers


  • Danya of Shiluva
  • Darius of the Swarming Rings
  • Dei the Night Wizard
  • Deniska the Red
  • Derian the Woodcutter
  • Dima the Crafty
  • Dimitri the Fat
  • Dimitri the Killing Machine
  • Dimitri the Weasel


  • Edik the Beaver
  • Eguzki the Radiant Wizard
  • Eirik the Pike
  • Enekoitz of the Ethereal Spirit
  • Erauso of the Thieving Hand
  • Erauso the Undying Sorceror
  • Erian the Engraver
  • Erian the Glassblower
  • Erramun the Blood Sorceror
  • Errando of the Delirious Heart
  • Eskuin of the Silent Face
  • Eskuin of the Thieving Heart
  • Eystein the Rat
  • Eyvind the Shark


  • Fadeyka of Stolpe
  • Feliks the Poisoner
  • Feliks the Weasel
  • Finn the Staff
  • Fredek the Lame
  • Fridgeir the Dagger
  • Fridgeir the Mace
  • Fyren the Tinker


  • Garikoitz of the Peaceful Forest
  • Gest the Sword
  • Gilen the Thought Wizard
  • Godric the Millwright
  • Gomesano of the Lightning Waters
  • Gorka the Ascetic Sorceror
  • Gorka the Moon Wizard
  • Grim the Croc
  • Grisha the Mongoose


  • Hafgrim the Tiger
  • Harald the Mace
  • Harek the Snake
  • Hedeon of Sarkel
  • Hogni the Raven
  • Hovan of the Many Faces
  • Hrypa the Glassblower


  • Illugi the Arrow
  • Ilya of Kuchelmin
  • Ilya the Cougar
  • Inge of the Pale Soul
  • Iparragirre of the Glowing Land
  • Isen the Cowherd
  • Isen the Painter
  • Isusko of the Bright City
  • Itzaina of the Green Valley
  • Ivan the Badger
  • Ivar the Cat


  • Jasha of Torzhok
  • Jermija of Unzha
  • Jeroumb the Consuming
  • Juan Nai the Sun Child
  • Joggug the Hideous
  • Jacria warrior of a thousand lives


  • Kaiet of the Shadow City
  • Kemen of the Dark Heart
  • Kepa of the Dolorous Kingdom
  • Ketil the Frog
  • Kevork of the Four Evils
  • Kiril of Kovno
  • Kolenka the Great
  • Kolenka the Lizard
  • Kolenka the Wyrm
  • Korian of the Four Wonders
  • Korian of the Many Devices


  • Leif the Croc
  • Levka of Zarytyi
  • Levka the Valorous
  • Lizardi of the Shining Rocks
  • Lordi the Laughing Sorceror
  • Luar of the Red Tongue
  • Lukyan the Badger
  • Lukyan the Shark


  • Magar of the Countless Eyes
  • Maiorga of the Ethereal Soul
  • Majid of the Nine Evils
  • Majnun of the Myriad Masters
  • Maju the Lightning Magician
  • Manex the White Warlock
  • Mantzio of the Ancient Rocks
  • Melchior of the Six Winds
  • Micolai of Blets
  • Mikelats of the Lightning Tongue
  • Mikhail the Great
  • Mikhail the Pirate
  • Mikhail the Wyrm
  • Mord the Badger
  • Moriz the Wayfarer
  • Motya of Vyshegrad


  • Nerian the Innkeeper
  • Nishan of the Seven Winds
  • Nishan of the Seven Winds
  • Nishan of the Seven Wonders


  • Oidor of the Lost Hills
  • Oidor the Pale Warlock
  • Oinaz of the Northern Rocks
  • Olaf the Lion
  • Oleg of Koenigsberg
  • Olezka the Grizzly
  • Olezka the Snake
  • Olezka the Strong
  • Ormod the Chandler
  • Orti of the Gray Tower
  • Oskarbi the Storm Wizard
  • Ospetsu of the Violent Tongue
  • Ostadar of the Bloody Heart
  • Otkel the Shark
  • Otrygg the Spear
  • Oxa the Hunter
  • Oxel of the Gray Spirit
  • Ozur the Possum


  • Pes of the Bleak Mesa
  • Pyotr of Mozyr


  • Rodor the Foundryman
  • Romochka the Panther
  • Rurik the Lizard


  • Sahak of the Six Fingers
  • Sam the Lance
  • Sarlic the Millwright
  • Scur the Stonemason
  • Semyon the Nimble
  • Sergei the Bull
  • Shurik the Croc
  • Slean the Carpenter
  • Solvi the Frog
  • Sotil of the Hidden Forest
  • Stanislov of Emenets
  • Stanislov the Strong
  • Steinkel the Dragon
  • Steinthor the Raven
  • Strang the Foundryman
  • Sumarlidi the Saber


  • Tamar the Physician
  • Thjodolf the Axe
  • Thord the Staff
  • Tosya of Lobynsk
  • Tosya the Strong
  • Tosya the Weak


  • Urtats the Sixth Wizard
  • Urtun of the Second Eye


  • Vandrad the Demon
  • Vandrad the Hare
  • Vanechka the Goat
  • Vasilii of Verzhavsk
  • Vassi the Coon
  • Vermund the Mace
  • Viktor of Verkhotur
  • Viktor the Lizard


  • Warian the Coppersmith
  • Warian the Falconer


  • Yasha the Wise
  • Yngvar the Bird
  • Yuri the Fish
  • Yuri the Trickster
  • Yurik the Badger


  • Zhenechka of Moreva
  • Zhenechka of Ugrovesk
  • Zivon the Fat
  • Zuriko of the Lightning Hand

Place names



  • Copper Death Land
  • Coral Province of the Count
  • Country of the Jewels
  • County of the Apple
  • Cyclops' Earldom


  • Dragon's Fief
  • Duchy of the Bitter Count's Medicine
  • Dutchess Country


  • Earldom of the Dying Emperess' Hell
  • Earldom of the Serpent's Emperor
  • Eight Codexes Land
  • Empire of the Cat
  • Empire of the Evil Spring Ogre's Highland
  • Empire of the Grimoires
  • Empire of the Holy Placid Wisdom
  • Empire of the Ten Mammoth Bugs


  • Ghostly Princess' Duchy
  • Good Fief of the Mark
  • Good Realm
  • Great Earldom of the Wyrm
  • Green Emperors Kingdom


  • Holy Rugged Slayer's Realm


  • Kingdom of the Hope
  • Kingdom of the Lawful West Lightnings
  • Kingdom of the Stone Clay


  • Land of the Ramparts
  • Land of the Slave's Earl
  • Land of the Witchs
  • Large Shrouds Empire
  • Living Province


  • Mammoth Oak Castle's Empire
  • Marquis' Province
  • Mighty State of the Shark
  • Monk's Marchessies of the Confidence


  • Province of the Long Arrows


  • Realm of the Dying Cookoos
  • Realm of the Wooden Passengers


  • Serpent's Empire
  • Seven Shields Marchessies
  • Shrew's Province
  • Slayer's Country
  • Small Barony of the Cemetaries
  • Small Hearts Realm
  • State of the Squirrel
  • Strong Berserker's County
  • Summoner's Land


  • Thirty Flails Empire
  • Twenty Confidences Duchy


  • Unholy New Bull's State


  • Wood Marchessies of the Liberties

Double names



  • Aahi Warlock
  • Aart Strangsson
  • Aart Swordbreaker
  • Abdul Khurram
  • Acennan Axethrasher
  • Acennan Beavermaster
  • Acennan Beechtree
  • Acennan Beechwood
  • Aethelred Cedartree
  • Aethelred Goldknife
  • Aethelred Oakclub
  • Akin Samir
  • Alain Readitouch
  • Alberik Littleworm
  • Aldhelm Possumhead
  • Aldhelm Sharkhead
  • Aldhelm Stillguard
  • Aldred Lionseeker
  • Aldred Saberbreaker
  • Alfred Boneaxe
  • Alfred Saberthrasher
  • Alrik Goldbody
  • Alvar Coolcloud
  • Alvar Redstone
  • Ambrosius Firestone
  • Ambrosius Goldguard
  • Anas Jaali
  • Anhaga Dinotooth
  • Aore Deathdigger
  • Arian Atolson
  • Arian Beechheart
  • Arnlaug Bonestaff
  • Arnlaug Illugissen
  • Aron Redguard
  • Artur Darkfish
  • Artur Goldeye
  • Artur Redberry
  • Artus Readiflight
  • Athelstan Isenson
  • Attor Bloodblade
  • Awiergan Axethrower
  • Awiergan Coolstone
  • Awiergan Swordthruster


  • Badger Attorson
  • Badger Osricsson
  • Baltasar Hardspot
  • Basilius Yellowmorning
  • Bast Greatmurder
  • Bdug Bonehunter
  • Becbo Battlebattler
  • Bedotm Damnburner
  • Bek Darkheart
  • Bellinus Oakbranch
  • Bellinus Redsaber
  • Bellinus Saberthruster
  • Bergthor Dragonfoot
  • Bertil Blueseed
  • Bertil Demonwood
  • Besyrwan Oaksaber
  • Bod Bonetongue
  • Bork Daggerbreaker
  • Borya Olegov
  • Botolf Granison
  • Bugi Anvilcrusher
  • Buiron Smoothmover
  • Bums Irondweller


  • Cadmon Hardskin
  • Cadmon Lancebreaker
  • Cerdic Hogcatcher
  • Cerdic Tinarrow
  • Cerdic Whitestick
  • Chanler Phantomflight
  • Charles Quicktouch
  • Cnild Holymine
  • Conod Flamekiller
  • Cow Broganson
  • Cow Tamarsson
  • Crow Nerianson


  • Damaki Battleload
  • Deer Grindanson
  • Denis Nimblehands
  • Denis Readithoughts
  • Denis Slighthands
  • Deogol Neriansson
  • Derer Axesmasher
  • Derian Geraintson
  • Don Demonsmiter
  • Donatien Phantommover
  • Donatien Smoothtouch
  • Doteti Dragonbreaker
  • Dragon Hrypasson
  • Dutabm Ironooze
  • Dzon Stonescream


  • Eagle Govannonson
  • Edik Karolekski
  • Edik Zivonov
  • Edric Coolson
  • Edric Isenson
  • Edric Moonmace
  • Einar Demonkiller
  • Einar Staffthrower
  • Eindridi Thorfinnsson
  • Eirik Greenstaff
  • Emil Coolcloud
  • Emil Demonstick
  • Erian Alderheart
  • Erian Birchwood
  • Erian Bluesaber
  • Erian Demonman
  • Eskil Whitefish
  • Eyjolf Hringson
  • Eystein Badgerhead


  • Faran Nechtanson
  • Faye Wraithsmasher
  • Feliks Vanechkaov
  • Ferragus Wrytouch
  • Finn Thjostolfssen
  • Finnbogi Silverdagger
  • Fridgeir Ingolfsen
  • Fridgeir Swordbreaker
  • Fsah Deathiron
  • Fyren Cedarbranch
  • Fyren Macethrasher
  • Fyren Rodorsson
  • Fyren Spearthrower


  • Gaderian Cougarhead
  • Gaderian Faransson
  • Gaderian Swordthruster
  • Gaderian Swordwielder
  • Galan Byrtwoldsson
  • Galan Clubthruster
  • Galan Firestone
  • Galan Spearthrower
  • Galan Stillberry
  • Ganelon Phantomflight
  • Gardi Boarfoot
  • Gatuxk Foulhowl
  • Gauthier Quickcuts
  • Gbor Foulfilth
  • Gdorz Greatdrool
  • Gebe Minesmiter
  • Geir Daggerwielder
  • Geir Havardsson
  • Gekroh Mineslayer
  • Geraint Blackshield
  • Geraint Skullring
  • Gerhard Redguard
  • Gerhard Stillseed
  • Gil Mineforger
  • Gizur Hordsson
  • Gor Stonetongue
  • Govannon Firesaber
  • Grah Earthchop
  • Grah Farbattler
  • Grani Firespear
  • Gremian Fishrunner
  • Gremian Redbird
  • Grim Stonedagger
  • Grimbold Goldspot
  • Grindan Arrowwielder
  • Gsok Damnclaw
  • Gub Foulcurse
  • Gudmund Saberwielder
  • Guerin Clevermover
  • Guerin Ghosttouch
  • Gunnbjorn Dragontrainer


  • Hadrian Demoncloud
  • Hakon Daggerwielder
  • Halig Lizardtrainer
  • Halig Macebreaker
  • Halig Strongdagger
  • Halvard Goldberry
  • Hardouin Ghoststep
  • Hardouin Swiftcuts
  • Harli Keyfinder
  • Hauk Staffthrasher
  • Havard Stonepike
  • Hawk Grindansson
  • Hedeon Danyaski
  • Hedeon Vasiliiov
  • Herjolf Solmundssen
  • Hetna Deviltracker
  • Hidhe Beamgrave
  • Hjalti Moonhelm
  • Hring Grayclub
  • Hrut Silverarrow
  • Hrypa Greenflower
  • Hur Warbolt


  • Iiho Deepchop
  • Iiho Earthkiller
  • Iina Foecrusher
  • Illugi Fireclub
  • Ilya Vasiliiski
  • Ingolf Oakhelm
  • Ingvar Demonberry
  • Isen Alderheart
  • Isen Besyrwanson
  • Isleif Alfgeirson
  • Isleif Hroaldsen
  • Isleif Lizardskinner
  • Ivan Vasiliiski


  • Jalaal Uri
  • Jermija Pyotrski
  • Julian Silkmover


  • Kad Sickarm
  • Kalf Skullring
  • Kari Staffbreaker
  • Kari Whitemark
  • Karigi Greatgrave
  • Kazx Stonescum
  • Kenric Cowrunner
  • Kens Evilblade
  • Khalil Radhee
  • Kirker Ettinbreaker
  • Kmux Damnbelch
  • Knut Possumslayer
  • Knut Skullsword
  • Ktanr Metalbeast
  • Kteb Demontracker


  • Lambi Axethrasher
  • Lcigb Wraithsmasher
  • Leif Knifethruster
  • Leonide Vladikov
  • Ligdar Marblesmasher
  • Lizard Alfredson
  • Lodin Weaseltrainer
  • Loyek Wyrmcrusher
  • Lucan Hardheart
  • Ludvik Yellowfish


  • Maccus Greenstone
  • Magnild Littleberry
  • Marlon Slyfingers
  • Megx Greatgouge
  • Michel Tracefingers
  • Mikhail Ivanski
  • Modig Mongoosetooth
  • Mongoose Tamarsson
  • Motya Olegovich
  • Mtog Stoneshade
  • Musd Ironooze
  • Muve Enemyfighter
  • Muzosb Foularm


  • Nafees Mahmood
  • Nam Foulshred
  • Nbosex Ironyell
  • Nechtan Godricsson
  • Nechtan Swordthrasher
  • Nechtan Tigertooth
  • Nerian Snakeslayer
  • Nhid Fiendkiller
  • Ntagr Edgeslayer


  • Oako Evilsmiter
  • Oata Vaultdig
  • Ofeig Axewielder
  • Ogmund Bronzehammer
  • Ogmund Cowchaser
  • Olaf Demonthorn
  • Olivier Ghosthands
  • Onund Daggerbreaker
  • Orm Eldgrimsson
  • Ormod Besyrwansson
  • Ormod Bluemorning
  • Osric Pigmaster
  • Otrygg Monkeyslayer
  • Oxa Copperclub
  • Ozur Macethrasher


  • Paien Readihands
  • Paien Wrycuts
  • Prasutagus Elmgrove
  • Prasutagus Goldwood
  • Pruet Shadowhands


  • Ragnar Blackling
  • Ragnar Whitestone
  • Raklib Goblincutter
  • Raxt Sickbreaker
  • Rdox Giantshade
  • Reg Shalesword
  • Rehno Glitterminer
  • Remi Swifthands
  • Retal Grimbreaker
  • Rheged Grimboldsson
  • Rir Goodbreaker
  • Rkihg Goldtunneler
  • Rmas Ingotbeard
  • Rodg Stonearm
  • Rom Greatstalker
  • Rotm Fouldrinker
  • Rtosun Greatlaugh
  • Runolf Ketilsson
  • Rurik Valerikski


  • Samson Yellowworm
  • Samson Yellowworm
  • Sar Dreadraider
  • Sarlic Darkmorning
  • Scur Bronzeblade
  • Scur Daggerthruster
  • Scur Haligson
  • Selwyn Copperring
  • Selwyn Saberthrower
  • Sennet Smoothstep
  • Sext Madbelch
  • Sez Greattongue
  • Sigmund Tinpike
  • Sigtrygg Bronzestaff
  • Sigulf Redmark
  • Sigulf Thrandsson
  • Sigurd Swordthrasher
  • Slean Bloodsaber
  • Slean Mantonson
  • Smubk Foulheart
  • Snedub Damneater
  • Solvi Havardsen
  • Somk Madcleaver
  • Srong Madgibber
  • Stanislov Gavrilski
  • Stefan Karolekovich
  • Stein Possumherder
  • Steinthor Glumsson
  • Steinthor Lancethruster
  • Strang Clubthrower
  • Strang Knifewielder
  • Svein Saberthruster
  • Synn Grayspear
  • Szakox Bonechain


  • Tabor Phantomhands
  • Tal Zain
  • Tamar Coolrod
  • Tarki Keyarmor
  • Tdenk Macekiller
  • Tellan Birchgrove
  • Tellan Staffthruster
  • Thorarin Gardisen
  • Thord Bergthorson
  • Thorgest Leifsson
  • Thorgrim Goldaxe
  • Thorgrim Ljotsson
  • Thorstein Hogchaser
  • Tib Ingotrunner
  • Tifit Wyrmcrusher
  • Tiger Penrithsson
  • Tohed Bloodbronze
  • Tolenka Grigoriski
  • Tosti Jaguarchaser
  • Tosti Ozursen
  • Trymman Hogseeker
  • Tun Stonedeath
  • Tuns Dreaddoom
  • Turtle Banningsson
  • Turtle Grimboldsson


  • Ulf Whitering
  • Uni Hedinson
  • Uriel Arshad
  • Uriel Shihab


  • Vagga Farpit
  • Valdemar Goldstick
  • Valfrid Goldbird
  • Valfrid Yellowrod
  • Valgard Bjarnisen
  • Vandrad Elephantcatcher
  • Vanechka Tosyaski
  • Varre Deepwarrior
  • Vdihh Gravelhill
  • Vernay Cleverthoughts
  • Verner Blackearth
  • Vigfus Arnorssen
  • Vigfus Ravenslayer
  • Viktor Adrikski
  • Viktor Leonideovich
  • Viktor Stanislovski


  • Warian Grayford
  • Warian Greenfish
  • Warian Ironpike
  • Warian Swordthrower
  • Wregan Alderbranch


  • Xab Giantgas
  • Xabz Darksteel
  • Xag Darkarse
  • Xbakt Foulclaw
  • Xegz Boneheart
  • Xmadt Metalbelch
  • Xnug Darkraider


  • Yakov Kolenkaski
  • Yaron Mustapha
  • Yrre Grizzlyseeker
  • Yurik Cheslavov
  • Yurik Lukyanov


  • Zdorg Dreadrant
  • Zivon Semyonovich
  • Zrem Giantstink

Single names



  • Ackartorrak
  • Afrea
  • Afreos
  • Agefser
  • Agica
  • Agoron
  • Albea
  • Albesia
  • Albivias
  • Ald'shye
  • Amanaia
  • Amibium
  • Amium
  • Anglopas
  • Anqua
  • Antonon
  • Antosus
  • Arcannea
  • Arcymnea
  • Ardim
  • Ardril
  • Arim
  • Arlang
  • Arormnys
  • Asagini
  • Asanas
  • Asarnana
  • Ashmet
  • Asianus
  • Asinia
  • Aslt
  • Atlas
  • Atlunum
  • Atvorroth
  • Aughale
  • Austreos
  • Austrianus
  • Austrygeos


  • Banash
  • Bolycona
  • Brundorene
  • Burginis
  • Burgivium
  • Burpoldarena
  • Byzuris


  • Castagias
  • Caudet
  • Cheden
  • Chinorcium
  • Clylor
  • Craworcha
  • Crutvor


  • Danold
  • Darald
  • Dar'engy
  • Darildack
  • Deaughnys
  • Delcero
  • Delotor


  • Eano
  • Ebana
  • Egatras
  • Emend
  • Engetas
  • Enth'ita
  • Erardona
  • Erena
  • Erennium
  • Espundas
  • Essos
  • Essrak
  • Estinius
  • Estin'o
  • Estther
  • Etheos
  • Ethygia
  • Eulum
  • Euphynene
  • Eurona
  • Europius
  • Eurycium


  • Ferrunon


  • Gallynium
  • Ghaxril
  • Gymano


  • Helvarcini
  • Helvunana


  • Iawe
  • Ibanion
  • Ibardona
  • Ibentea
  • Ibinthia
  • Ibium
  • Ibus
  • Ibygica
  • Ildeb
  • Indus
  • Inetaiorm
  • Irete
  • Isler
  • Itinthia
  • Itosea
  • Ituaron


  • Japinus
  • Judivea


  • Kalum
  • Kapque
  • Keloughin


  • Ladyn
  • Laurarctene
  • Lertas
  • Leunn
  • Lisit
  • Litharctaea
  • Lithenton
  • Lobem
  • Lucisea
  • Luightyer
  • Lyeenden
  • Lyekim


  • Mallentus
  • Malluarica
  • Mancharcas
  • Manesini
  • Memosust
  • Meordar
  • Mornyso
  • Myresius
  • Mytalion
  • Mytarctica


  • Nodor
  • Nororcene


  • Oburu
  • Oeni
  • Osl
  • Oughinunt


  • Peluanea
  • Pol'eno
  • Polwor
  • Pulehu


  • Quecha
  • Queurr


  • Ranisso
  • Ranon
  • Rilawe
  • Rodghawor
  • Roluxe
  • Rothpero
  • Rothrt
  • Rothvero


  • Sanas
  • Saropa
  • Say'aso
  • Schataiet
  • Seahbel
  • Segadum
  • Segarnana
  • Shyeage
  • Sibasum
  • Sibyrona
  • Skelear
  • Sleck
  • Sneev
  • Sparantias
  • Sparuanana
  • Sparuanum
  • Sulkin
  • Swauph
  • Sweva
  • Sylvardia
  • Sylvavas


  • Tasmarnea
  • Therashden
  • Thianaia
  • Tinhonu
  • Tonarr
  • Ton'gar
  • Trafyer
  • Trena
  • Trernia
  • Triana


  • Uga
  • Uganaea
  • Ugas
  • Ugion
  • Ukoezy
  • Umon
  • Umsuly
  • Undard
  • Urnem
  • Ursana
  • Uskang
  • Usk'skeli
  • Ustper
  • Uternica
  • Utinus


  • Vorhon


  • Warsay
  • Worend


  • Yendu
  • Ynnyso


  • Zhairtelm



Any exact duplications are unintentional; any near-duplications are intentional. Alphax τεχ 10:37, Mar 8, 2005 (UTC)