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This article is about hypothetical inhabitants of Mars. Other instances of the word include Martian Manhunter, a fictional comic book character; "Martian packets," a computer networking term; "The Martians," a group of famous physicists and mathematicians from Hungary; Martian, co-ruler of the Roman Empire

earned the Medal of Honor for actions on October 12, 1918. He singlehandedly disabled several German machine-gun nests and killed many enemy combatants with rifle, pistol and pickaxe.

Along with Alvin York and others, Woodfill was picked in 1921 to serve as a pallbearer for the Unknown Soldier.

The Dark Knight Returns Hyperion (comics) In Supreme Power, J. Michael Straczynski's update and revamp of the old Squadron Supreme characters in Marvel's mature line, MAX, Nighthawk is an African American entrepreneur. Having lost both his parents in a hate crime at a young age, he takes revenge on criminals --- at least for the beginning of the series, however, solely on those criminals who prey on black victims. Like his inspiration, Batman, Nighthawk uses a combination of high-tech weaponry, stealth and fighting prowess to overcome his foes.



Things that it is a crime, practically, that there are no wikirticles for:

  • all the weight classes
  • James J. Corbett!!!
  • Cyrano the play

Heavyweight is a division, or weight class, in boxing.

As this division has no maximum weight limit, it has been historically vaguely defined. In the 19th century, for example, many heavyweight champions weighed 170 pounds or less (although others weighed 200 and more). In 1920, the minimum weight for a heavyweight was set at 175 pounds (which today is the light heavyweight division minimum). Today, for most boxing organizations, the weight limit is 190 pounds. Note that this does not prevent a boxer under 190 pounds fighting as a heavyweight, if he so wished, merely that a fighter who weighs over 190 pounds may not fight as anything but a heavyweight.

It is impossible to say who the "first" heavyweight champion was, as the sport of boxing goes back as far as recorded history and there have always been large fighters. Even in the bare-knuckle era, "champions" were plentiful. Some of the most notable of these included the slave Tom Molineaux, Jack Slack, Jem Belcher, Ben Caunt and Jem Mace.

The first heavyweight champion under the Marquess of Queensberry rules was the immesely popular John L. Sullivan, known as "The Boston Strong Boy." He weight around 200 pounds when in shape and was a bare-knuckle champion. He was defeated by Jim Corbett on September 7, 1892 in 21 rounds. (Today title bouts are limited to 12 rounds, but not so in the early days.)

Some notable heavyweights have been: