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New Imperialism Talk:New Imperialism

D0Servo: hello. this is 172
D0Servo: are you there vera cruz?
kimuradet: aye
kimuradet: it would seem we both feel we are a better editor than the other
D0Servo: You're not really editing the work. You're deleting huge, vital sections. 
D0Servo: Your only goal seems to be shortening the article. 
kimuradet: that is a big part of my goal
kimuradet: which is why im trying to figure out what vital section
kimuradet: i have deleted
D0Servo: There are other much longer articles. 
kimuradet: is immaterial
kimuradet: condensation is very important
kimuradet: especially
kimuradet: and note this
kimuradet: at the beginning of an article
kimuradet: it should be damn-near grade school
kimuradet: for instance your theories of imperialism
kimuradet: is on its own page now
kimuradet: where it belongs
D0Servo: You are fair-minded, but a lot of people are just arbitrarily criticizing my contributions to spite me. 
kimuradet: i agree
D0Servo: hold on one minute please
kimuradet: and they will ban you if you aren't careful
D0Servo: The theories are important. Theory is meant to illuminate the historical record. By giving lay readers an overview of the theory before the section on the historical record, we will be able to help them bring in perspective.  
kimuradet: the theories are very important
kimuradet: but you had them
kimuradet: above the history
D0Servo: We also have as it is many different theories presented. 
kimuradet: a big reason its so clunky right now
kimuradet: is because i didnt even know u had a history in there
kimuradet: cuz it was at the end
kimuradet: the theories should be very very briefly discussed on that page
D0Servo: So far we have three sections: causes, theories, history 
kimuradet: right
D0Servo: The version that I keep restoring clearly establishes that New Imperialism had its roots in the breakdown of Pax Britannica. That's why "Pax Britannica" is relegated to the background section. 
D0Servo: Please, give me a list of flaws. I'd be able to better edit this article. 
kimuradet: as the articles are very different there are obviously a lot of things i changed
kimuradet: why not try rewriting my version to more clearly explain that new imperialism came of the pax britannica section
kimuradet: just try it
D0Servo: Your sections on the "African Power Vacuum" and the "Changes in Technology" are way-off. 
kimuradet: how so
kimuradet: go ahead and edit my version
kimuradet: im fine with that
D0Servo: In my section pertaining to causes, no information can be removed. 
kimuradet: but get something different than what u had
kimuradet: u know calculus?
D0Servo: Why?
kimuradet: yes no?
kimuradet: information can be removed
kimuradet: imagine it like
kimuradet: you wrote your paper on a computer
kimuradet: and i came along
kimuradet: being a virus
kimuradet: and ate parts of it
kimuradet: instead of reverting-try to rewrite it anew
D0Servo: Did you read the Causes section of the article that I keep restoring? 
kimuradet: causes are in there
D0Servo: I've fixed it since the first time that you've read it. 
kimuradet: mention a specific cause
kimuradet: everything u did last night
kimuradet: is in my version
kimuradet: except edited
kimuradet: i went through your changes and picked them out
kimuradet: some were quite good
D0Servo: These causes are too interconnected. They have to be woven together somehow. 
kimuradet: its like
kimuradet: u knitted a scarf
kimuradet: and i didnt like the colors
kimuradet: so i took it apart
kimuradet: and gave u some new yarns
kimuradet: or using the calculus example
kimuradet: its like finding a limit
kimuradet: u were .5 over
kimuradet: now im .25 under
kimuradet: so u do .125 over
kimuradet: its your turn now-but you gotta take my ball
D0Servo: Did you read the section that I keep restoring? 
kimuradet: there were two main sections that i can think of
kimuradet: the first one
kimuradet: talked about the cavalier victorian age
kimuradet: and distinguished
kimuradet: new imperialism
D0Servo: read the article
D0Servo: read the article
kimuradet: from earlier imperialist eras
kimuradet: i didnt like it
kimuradet: and u kept adding it in
kimuradet: the other one
D0Servo: I reverted that paragraph.
kimuradet: was the section
kimuradet: which discussed the american revolution
kimuradet: and mercantilism
kimuradet: and adam smith
D0Servo: You've only read a small portion
kimuradet: ive read it all
kimuradet: and i wasnt quite sure where u were going with all of that
D0Servo: I fixed those sections according to your suggestions
D0Servo: That's why I'm restoring the article
kimuradet: so i took those two paragraphs out
D0Servo: I do not mention spanish mercantilism though
kimuradet: now the first one is kinda back in there
kimuradet: first off
kimuradet: let me explain straight off
kimuradet: why your reverting is completely wrong
kimuradet: http://www.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=New_Imperialism&oldid=557517
kimuradet: click on there
D0Servo: very funny
kimuradet: hold on
D0Servo: this article is worse than no article
kimuradet: just chill
kimuradet: here we go
kimuradet: http://www.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=New_Imperialism&oldid=557454
kimuradet: and...
kimuradet: http://www.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=New_Imperialism&diff=0&oldid=557454
D0Servo: read the version that i keep reverting
D0Servo: hold on
kimuradet: which is your differences
kimuradet: no
kimuradet: u click on
kimuradet: http://www.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=New_Imperialism&diff=0&oldid=557454
kimuradet: that compares the two
D0Servo: i've seen that version
D0Servo: i know the differences by heart
kimuradet: now
kimuradet: what is the first difference
D0Servo: you don't realize that that i've changed much of mine according to your suggestions
kimuradet: oh i do
kimuradet: what is the first difference on
kimuradet: http://www.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=New_Imperialism&diff=0&oldid=557454
D0Servo: I have too many screens popping up. You're getting me too confused.
kimuradet: i only want u to have 2
kimuradet: http://www.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=New_Imperialism&diff=0&oldid=557454
kimuradet: http://www.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=New_Imperialism&diff=0&oldid=557454
D0Servo: Could you please just go through the version that I have restored and tell me what flaws you see.
kimuradet: and on the diff screen
D0Servo: Then I will edit it myself.
kimuradet: what is the first difference
kimuradet: u spot
kimuradet: between my version and your version
D0Servo: just tell me your point
kimuradet: u see it then?
kimuradet: agree or disagree?
kimuradet: was or is
kimuradet: which word shall we use
D0Servo: i see the differences
D0Servo: what's your point?
kimuradet: im not making a point
kimuradet: im asking a question
kimuradet: the first difference between our articles is
kimuradet: '''New Imperialism''' was the expansionist foreign economic policy seen amongst the 
D0Servo: okay
kimuradet: '''New Imperialism''' is the expansionist foreign economic policy seen amongst the more 
kimuradet: now 
D0Servo: i'll revise that
kimuradet: hold on
kimuradet: the next question
kimuradet: do u think we should link state to nation-state
kimuradet: or rather nation
kimuradet: so that the reader can go to a more general discussion of what nationalism is
D0Servo: you wrote that opening paragraph, not me
kimuradet: so u agree
kimuradet: now the second half of this paragraph
kimuradet: is quite different
kimuradet: between the two version
kimuradet: the primary difference
kimuradet: is my "Deletion of critical text"
kimuradet: that is
kimuradet: Ushering out the gradual, rational empire-building of the mid-Victorian era known as the age of Pax Britannica
D0Servo: Why are you nitpicking? You removed the vast majority of the text in the article that I keep restoring. 
kimuradet: i have deleted that, yes?
kimuradet: and you want that in your version, don't you?
D0Servo: yes
kimuradet: do u know where i want it
kimuradet: i want it down under ==Pax Britannica==
kimuradet: and not in the opening paragraph
D0Servo: Lay readers will want to understand what makes this period of colonialism different from the preceding one. 
D0Servo: They will want to know early on
kimuradet: thats not something to address at this point
kimuradet: right now we are defining a term
kimuradet: that term being "new Imperialism"
D0Servo: yes
kimuradet: Ushering out the gradual, rational empire-building of the mid-Victorian era known as the age of Pax Britannica, the late nineteenth century late-Victorian era was an one of "empire for empire's sake".
kimuradet: does not belong in paragraph 1
kimuradet: half of that sentence does
D0Servo: That distinction is necessary for the definition. 
kimuradet: and half of it does not
kimuradet: why is it necessary to mentaion pax britannica?
kimuradet: new imperialism exists all by itself
D0Servo: NO!
kimuradet: i do not define 1980s when i define 1990s
D0Servo: New Imperialism is the outcome of the breakdown of Pax Britannica
kimuradet: now that i like
D0Servo: that's evident in my causes section
kimuradet: i will be making a change to my version
kimuradet: in a few seconds
D0Servo: please, read my version in its entirety. 
kimuradet: i have
kimuradet: thats how i edited it
kimuradet: by reading it
D0Servo: not the newest one
D0Servo: i'm talking about the one i finished editing half an hour ago
kimuradet: now that i have edited my version we will get a new differences screen
kimuradet: so close yours
kimuradet: do u play chess?
kimuradet: and open
kimuradet: http://www.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=New_Imperialism&diff=0&oldid=557714
kimuradet: where your text is now on the left
kimuradet: and mine is on the right
D0Servo: This is futile unless you've read the last version that I've posted in its entirety. 
kimuradet: the notable change is
kimuradet: '''New Imperialism''' was the expansionist foreign economic policy, resulting from the breakdown of [[Pax Britannica]], which was seen amongst the more powerful of the [[Europe]]an [[nation|nation-states]], 
kimuradet: with that change in there
kimuradet: is it necessary to state
kimuradet: Ushering out the gradual, rational empire-building of the mid-Victorian era known as the age of Pax Britannica, the late nineteenth century late-Victorian era was an one of "empire for empire's sake".
kimuradet: u need a comma after era in your version
D0Servo: fine
D0Servo: i'll take not of that
kimuradet: so now
D0Servo: but that's no reason to remove 2/3 of the text in the entire article
kimuradet: which opening paragraph do u prefer?
kimuradet: u should play chess
kimuradet: then u would understand what we are doing here
kimuradet:  which opening paragraph do u prefer?
D0Servo: '''New Imperialism''' was the expansionist foreign economic policy seen amongst the more powerful of the [[Europe]]an states, between the [[Franco-Prussian War]] and [[World War I]]. During this period, Europe added almost [[1 E13 m²|23,000,000 km²]] (20% of [[Earth]]'s land area) to its collection of overseas colonial possessions, with the focus of expansion being the colonization of [[Africa]]. Ushering out the gradual, rational empire-building of the mid-Victorian era known as the age of Pax Britannica, the late nineteenth century late-Victorian era was an one of "empire for empire's sake". 
kimuradet: but
kimuradet: yours doesnt mentioned the breakdown of Pax Britannica
kimuradet: and the fact that new imperialism derived from said breakdown
D0Servo: that's not important for now
kimuradet: is very important in the opening definition of new imperialism
D0Servo: there's an entire section devoted to that
D0Servo: i have an entire section called the "breakdown of Pax Britannica"
kimuradet: but why not say it in the first paragraph?
kimuradet: get right out there in the open
kimuradet: the first damn sentence
kimuradet: the british empire failed
kimuradet: and there was a new era of imperialism
D0Servo: I don't care if it's said in the first paragraph or not. I just care that you removed something like 2/3 of my text arbitrarily. 
kimuradet: if u dont care
kimuradet: why dont u accept my first paragraph
kimuradet: then we can move on
kimuradet: but we cant move on until we get this out of the way
kimuradet: because its the first paragraph
D0Servo: Edit the first paragraph however you want. I just don't want you to massacre the sections pertaining to Pax Britannica, the Breakdown of Pax Britannica, Theories of Imperialism, History of New Imperialism, and the subsequent sections on changes in colonial societies. 
kimuradet: ok then
kimuradet: i win paragraph 1
kimuradet: paragraph 2
kimuradet: you would agree, naturally,
kimuradet: that scholars are continuing to debate this subject
kimuradet: so we will assume that small change should stay
kimuradet: and we move on to
kimuradet: we likewise agree
kimuradet: that scholars debate the relationship between this period and world war I
kimuradet: but in the middle u state
kimuradet: dubbed “The New Imperialism” to distinguish it from earlier eras of overseas expansion, such as the mercantilism of the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries or the age of anti-mercantilist ‘free trade’ colonialism of the mid-nineteenth century and 
kimuradet: whereas i have used
kimuradet: See also: [[mercantilism]] and [[free-trade colonialism]]
D0Servo: Do you want to go through each paragraph like this? Please, don't torture me! Write of list of flaws in my new version (the one that you won't read!) and post it on my talk page. I'll go through it my self. 
kimuradet: my good sir!
D0Servo: I put the See also section on the bottom
kimuradet: we will never settle this unless we do go through this paragraph by paragraph
kimuradet: ah!
kimuradet: but
kimuradet: in your version
D0Servo: the see also section always goes on the bottom
kimuradet: no
kimuradet: in your version
kimuradet: we HAVE to link
kimuradet: those words
kimuradet: mercantilism
kimuradet: and free-trade colonialism
kimuradet: we have to
kimuradet: its a wiki
kimuradet: the question i ask
kimuradet: is can't we just have a short see also:
D0Servo: i have to go 
kimuradet: we will continue later!
D0Servo: i'll be back on in an hour or two
kimuradet: ok
D0Servo: please read my entire article
kimuradet: indeed
D0Servo: will you please not revert my new version for now?
D0Servo: at least not make any huge changes?
kimuradet: u must understand
kimuradet: we have a history
kimuradet: its all backed up
kimuradet: i have to edit my own version
kimuradet: and improve upon it
kimuradet: so eventually you will give up on your own
kimuradet: seeing that mine has been improved
D0Servo: Why?
D0Servo: I wrote this whole article.
D0Servo: I started this article.
kimuradet: yes
kimuradet: and im finishing it
D0Servo: It's finished
kimuradet: u can feel free
kimuradet: nope
kimuradet: u can feel free
kimuradet: to go to military history of the philippines
kimuradet: and start editing there
kimuradet: i will be very interested in what u think 
D0Servo: I'm not an expert on that field of history
kimuradet: so become one
kimuradet: i have a great deal of beginning info there
kimuradet: as the point is to educate
kimuradet: u can determine whether it accomplishes that
D0Servo: I'm not a military historian
kimuradet: if you are writing about imperialism
kimuradet: you are
kimuradet: its just a matter of whether you want to sit in a gilded stateroom
kimuradet: or a trench command post
kimuradet: now u have to go
D0Servo: In many respects, New Imperialism is a matter of political economy
kimuradet: i agree
kimuradet: and economics is the cause of war
kimuradet: but thats marxism
kimuradet: a whole nother topic
D0Servo: Will you please read my new version?
kimuradet: yep
D0Servo: Why can't you change the first two paragraphs without deleting huge portions of my work
kimuradet: because when u come back
kimuradet: we talk about paragraph 3
kimuradet: and maybe u convince me
kimuradet: and paragraph 4
kimuradet: and 5
D0Servo: wait
D0Servo: read my new version
kimuradet: yep
D0Servo: you haven't even looked at my new version
D0Servo: read the whole section
D0Servo: Causes of New Imperialism, the Breakdown of Bax Britannica
kimuradet: yes
kimuradet: goodbye
kimuradet: cya later